Sunday, April 13, 2014

Where have I been?? And I did something kinda crazy!

I haven't posted since September... which is the last time I did any serious running. WHAAAAT?? Yes you read it right! Might be the longest I have ever gone without lacing up my Asics!!

I am pregnant!  Pregnancy, running, and I don't go very well together. In the beginning, I experienced the joy of hyperemesis gravidarum ... just a fancy name for the WORST (all day and all night) sickness EVER. Like having a stomach virus for 20 weeks! Remember Princess Kate had it?? Might be the only thing we ever have in common!

Let me tell you, there is nothing glamorous about it! I lost 13 pounds in two weeks. That amount of illness and weightloss bought me a home health nurse, IV fluids, and a pump that constantly infused nausea medicine under my skin. My calf, quad and every other muscle I worked so hard to obtain has withered away! A flight of stairs is now a challenge. Seriously, I get winded brushing my hair. IT IS SAD.

The nausea and vomiting have improved, but this pregnancy has had other challenges that have kept me from being my normal, active self! It's all good though! My eye is on the prize...a healthy baby!!

I did something kinda crazy!!
On the same day I took this...

I signed up for the Bank of America Chicago Marathon. It's in October of THIS year. If this baby comes on time AND I take 6 weeks to recover afterwards... I will have exactly 18 weeks to train.

Might be ambitious, (might be CRAZY) but I have always liked a challenge! I don't plan to break any records, I REALLY just want to finish! LET ME REPEAT THAT: I just want to finish!!!!!  I just want to finish!!!
Remind me of that phrase when I start talking about time goals, pushing myself..aka being my competitive self. I am my own biggest rival and craziest critic!
I think starting from square one and training with two children under 3 will be challenging enough! So I'm being realistic and really focusing on enjoying the experience!! OH and I plan to blog about it of course.

Wish me luck!!

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