Sunday, August 25, 2013

how to conquer a 5K by following a few of THE PATTI PLAN's rules


Breakdown of a 5K

An excellent runner once told me that the first mile in a 5K is adrenaline, the second mile is physical and the final mile is 100% mental. I think for most people this is true! I might have a small mental component in the first mile as well. Sometimes my body doesn’t want to start as fast as I want it to. It is often a war: my mind vs. my legs! What is the hardest part of a race for you?
I have a few rules that help me deal with the adrenaline, the physical and  the mental portions of the 5K.



1)   No one passes me after mile 2

The purpose of this rule is to prevent myself from going out too hard and running out of gas. YOU are in control of your own adrenaline.  How many people do you know that run that way?? It is one of my running pet peeves!
If you race that way, try it MY way JUST once. FORCE yourself to run the first mile 15-20 seconds slower than normal. Let all the people sprint at the start line…don’t worry you’ll catch them before the end!!
Increase to normal race pace at the 1st mile marker and when you reach mile 2 start picking people up (AKA PASSING THEM) one by one! NO ONE passes you after mile 2.  Your confidence will double with each person you pass and I guarantee that runner’s high will carry you into the finish chute!!


2) No one with a stroller will EVER beat me

nuff said.

3) Be smart about water stops

You NEED to hydrate well BEFORE the race. If you do, you might not even require a water stop for a 5K! If it is the hottest day of the year or you are truly thirsty, be SMART about how you obtain hydration. Water stops can add a lot of unnecessary seconds to your race!
Don't try to get the first cup. Everyone is going for that one. Identify a person with two cups in their hands further down the line. Make eye contact with them and extend your hand.
Consume as much water as you need and GET moving again.


4) When you lay eyes on the 3rd mile marker, pick up the PACE!

Everyone wants to finish a 5K well. Many will wait until the 3rd mile marker to give it everything they've got! You are smarter! When the 3rd mile marker is barely visible, pick up the pace. If your legs feel tired, pump your arms! Legs do what the arms tell them to. Think about taking faster steps. CONCENTRATE and believe you can do it.

GO RUN FAST and report back!!!

1) Which mile in a 5K is your fastest? which is your slowest
2) Do you have any running rules?



  1. My rule is that the 7 year olds signed up for the race don't beat me!

    1. I hear you Katie!! The youngins are a tricky bunch because they often start so fast!!!!!
